So Amy Wong came to the professor for an internship. This is an old dude but for some reason he always looks at Amy Wong as if he wants to eat her. After a hard day at work, Amy Wong decides to leave, but the professor prevents her from doing so. He offers to try a new cocktail he made himself. The girl agrees and drinks.. Damn.. Amy Wong lost control of herself. The professor quickly takes off his clothes and then undresses Amy Wong... Enjoy.
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So Amy Wong came to the professor for an internship. This is an old dude but for some reason he always looks at Amy Wong as if he wants to eat her. After a hard day at work, Amy Wong decides to leave, but the professor prevents her from doing so. He offers to try a new cocktail he made himself. The girl agrees and drinks.. Damn.. Amy Wong lost control of herself. The professor quickly takes off his clothes and then undresses Amy Wong... Enjoy.
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