Quick series of drawings which finally let Elizabeth from "BioShock: Infinite" to do the thing that she was dreaming about for a couple of years now - to strip down and to jump on someone's big and hard cock! This series seems to be only the beginning of the story and probably there will be more of Elizabeth's sexy adventures added soon so keep an eye on our website not to miss it!
Some new phones nowadays are might be hard to get... especially on the first day of sales! The main chick of this game is hot blonde who really wants to get a new phone (lets call it Phone X) but standing in the giant line is not an option - obviously nothing will left when her turn will come up. Yet there is one hot guy who already get this new phone. So... maybe hot blonde can find a way to get this phone from hot guy. What she is ready to do to get it? Pretty much actually! Blowjob for example! And where? Right around the corner of this crowded street! But she will have to try hard - she will get new phone only if she will give really good blowjob! And if she will fail? Well, the line of customers is really long today! May be she will have to showcase her tits while giving head next time?
This next game is a pure fantasy of any nerdy boy who is into fantasy board and videogames. At first he won't even belive himself that hot elven chick somehow has materialized in his bathroom in a totally nude looks. Even more - she seems to be impressed by this dude's manstick size and doesn't mind to play with it right here and now. After that some really strange things will happen but were they real or is it just his imagination has played a trick on him you will have to decide yourself after you will watch this animation. Yes, watch it bcause there is no gameplay at all just like in most of other hentai games from"Funny-games" studio. And speaking fo other games - you can always find them on our website including the ones which actually has gameplay in them.
Actually the title of this game gives it's main idea right away - it is not very big and it is mostly about some slutty looking schoolgirl who just can't wait to give one great virtual blowjob! You don't mind to get it? Great! Then start your playtime with this horny fuckslut and enjoy not only her oral skills but also her body since you will be allowed to undress her in the process. And if you happpen to be not only a taker but also a giver you can provide her with some pleasure as well by finding and clicking on active points to perform different sexual themed action with this cocksucking student. The goal is obvious - to reach the pleasure level of one hundred percents so you could finish the scene with one messy jizz shot as reward for her efforts.
Having a married couple living next door from yours is actually a good thing because of one simple reason - the wifey not only has big tits and seducing bodycurves but she is clearly not getting enough sex from her husband! So whenever he is not at home you become the most welcomed guest because it will be up to you to give this sexy housewife what she is craving for the most - to get horny and to get fucked real good! And forget about the long dialogs and all that stuff - you both are grown ups and you both know exactly what you have come for so it won't take much time before you will take off her t-shirt... yet what will happen between you two next is something that you will definitely want to experience by yourself so there will be no more spoilers!
Quick series of drawings which finally let Elizabeth from "BioShock: Infinite" to do the thing that she was dreaming about for a couple of years now - to strip down and to jump on someone's big and hard cock! This series seems to be only the beginning of the story and probably there will be more of Elizabeth's sexy adventures added soon so keep an eye on our website not to miss it!
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