Betty came to visit her friend. The girls drank and relaxed. Suddenly, another girl comes and brings a martini. The girls get drunk and start kissing. They strip and suck each other on their pink peaches and massage each other's pink pussies. The girls fuck on the bed and then fuck each other. One of them puts her finger in her friend's ass and fucks her in the same place. The girls change places and fuck themselves in the ass.
Welcome back to the wonderfull place - the whole neighborhood where only the finest erotic models and strippers live! Pay trip to any mansion that you will want to and there you may find gorgeous sweetheart who is prepared to demonstrate her admirers a tiny bit more than you can see by picking through the window... but in order to proove that you are the actual devotee of this exact sweetheart you will want to find the proper picture of her posing for erotic magazines very first and finding them will be the actual challenge of the game. The hint - try to memorize the number of the mansion where the sweetheart that caught your curiosity lives since you can't carry all the photos at once. For navigation around the streets use arrow keys and press spacebar to come in the mansion or to carry out other actions.
This game is for all who play anime porn game smostly for orgy scenes and not for any kind of xxx gameplay. Here you will have a chance to meet one of four differnt chicks. One of them is Ashley who loves to swim so the bathing suit swimsuit is looking pretty good on her. Next is Claire who works as nurse and wears a uniform of a very lovely pink color. Alexa here is a librarian so if you are seeking chesty and discipline chick who has to hide sexuality all day long then it's possible to pick her. Or you may go dating with Anne - this chesty professor loves to fuck just everywhere! No matter which one of these chicks you will choose you will get acces to three orgy scenes which are made in interactive format. Ofcourse when you are done with one chick you're able to go to the next one or two scenes together with her for a smany times as you would like!
Betty came to visit her friend. The girls drank and relaxed. Suddenly, another girl comes and brings a martini. The girls get drunk and start kissing. They strip and suck each other on their pink peaches and massage each other's pink pussies. The girls fuck on the bed and then fuck each other. One of them puts her finger in her friend's ass and fucks her in the same place. The girls change places and fuck themselves in the ass.
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