"Void Club" is a constant series of adventures that takes place in the popular animation or videogames-themed worlds. The gameplay is a mixture of visual novel and minigames (that are sometimes quite challenging). Based on the title of the episode, you've already guessed that tonight you'll get to learn about the secluded world of pirates alongside the most gorgeous and hot ladies from the cult anime series "One Piece"! But things won't take place as smoothly as you'd like and as soon as you step foot on the planet, you'll encounter a beautiful difficult situation, and solving this problem will be your top task. It is likely that you will have much easier by cloning yourself as someone known as Luffy D Monkey but more details will only be available in the game...
If you are pretty sure that you can entice every hot looking lady from planet Earth (at leats in the virtual space) then how about to try your chances somewhere beyound? Sounds good enough? Great! Then you are prepared to set your foot on this intergalactic spaceship where you will see plenty of robots and creatures from different worlds. Explore locations and ofcourse have conversations with everyone you will meet and depending on how exactly you will be building your dialogs it is possible to get yourself a pile of new freinds... and even to get some intimate counterparts! Yet before something will occur between you and your new grilfriend from a distant star she might require you to accomplish some exceptional quest but this is all part of the game as you know.
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